The six-lane, 1,445-ft-long Anacostia River crossing uses an above-deck arch design coupled with cable-stay bridge technology to transform the South Capitol Street corridor into an iconic, grand urban boulevard, the submitting firm says. Three sets of arches rise above deck level, creating a continuous flow as their visual line extends to water level along two V-piers, which are constructed of high-strength, low-permeability concrete and are also post-tensioned to inhibit cracking. The piers are supported from below on in-water, architecturally sculpted waterline concrete footings. That design allows the superstructure to move freely through the arches via expansion joints located only at each end of the structure. Precast concrete panels and a multilevel corrosion protection system added to the arch’s structural steel rib exterior greatly enhance durability and reduce long-term maintenance, according to the submitting firm…